公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司,公司位于济宁山东,孔孟之乡,曾子故里。本公司专业从事环保工程的设计、施工、安装、调试和运行,并从事相关环保设备的制造和销售。本公司主要经营范围为:污水处理站,污水处理,废水处理站,污水处理工艺,污水处理设备,工业污水处理设备、水处理设备、污水处理设备、环保废水处理设备和其他设备。 一体化生活污水处理设备 一、产品特点: 1、全套设备可埋设于冻层以下或放置地上,设备上方地表可作为绿化或其他用地,不需要建房及采暖、保温。 2、二级生物接触氧化处理工艺均采用推流式生物接触氧化,其处理效果优于完全混合式或二级串联完全混合式生物接触氧化池。并比活性污泥池体积小,对水质的适应性强,耐冲击负荷性能好,出水水质稳定,不会产生污泥膨胀。池中采用新型弹性立体填料,比表面积大,微生物易挂膜,脱膜,在同样**物负荷条件下,对**物去除率高,能提高空气中的氧在水中溶解度。 3、生化池采用生物接触氧化法,其填料的体积负荷比较低,微生物处于自身氧化阶断,产泥量少,仅需3至6个月以上排一次泥(用粪车抽吸或脱水成泥饼外运)。 4、该地埋式生活污水处理设备的除臭方式除采用常规高空排气,另配有土壤脱臭措施。 5、整个设备处理系统配有全自动电气控制系统,运行安全可靠,平时一般不需要专人管理,只需适时地对设备进行维护和保养。 二、地埋式生活污水处理装置的优良特征: 1、能够处理生活系统综合性废水及其相类似的**污水; 2、采用钢制防腐或玻璃钢制作,具有耐腐蚀、抗老化等优良特性。 3、全套装置施工简单、操作容易,所**械设备均为自动化控制,全部装置可设置于地表以下 三、地埋式生活污水处理装置的适用范围: 1、生活、食品、工业、宾馆、饭店、疗养院、医院; 2、住宅小区、村庄、集镇; 3、车站、飞机场、海港码头、船舶、高速公路; 4、工厂、矿山、*、旅游点、风景区; 5、与生活污水类似的各种工业**废水。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd., the company is located in Shandong, Jining, Kong Meng's hometown, Zeng Zi's home. The company specializes in the design, construction, installation, commissioning and operation of environmental protection engineering, and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of related environmental protection equipment. Our company's main business scope is: *age treatment station, *age treatment, wastewater treatment station, *age treatment process, *age treatment equipment, industrial *age treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment, environmental protection wastewater treatment equipment and other equipment. Integrated domestic *age treatment equipment 1. Product characteristics: 1, the full set of equipment can be buried below the frozen layer or placed on the ground, the surface of the equipment can be used as greening or other land, without building housing and heating, heat preservation. The 2 and two stage biological contact oxidation processes all adopt plug flow biological contact oxidation, and the treatment effect is better than that of full mixed or two stage series full mixing biological contact oxidation pond. It has a smaller volume than the activated sludge pool, strong adaptability to water quality, good performance of impact load resistance, stable water quality, and no expansion of sludge. The new type of elastic solid packing is adopted in the tank. The specific surface area is large. The microorganism is easy to hang up the membrane and remove the membrane. Under the same organic loading condition, it has high removal rate of organic matter and improves the solubility of oxygen in water. 3, biochemical pool by biological contact oxidation, the filler volume load is relatively low in microbial self oxidation stage, less sludge production, only more than 3 to 6 months in a row (with soil suction or mud dehydration sludge cake Sinotrans). 4. The deodorization method of the buried domestic *age treatment equipment is equipped with the conventional high altitude exhaust and the other measures of soil deodorization. 5, the whole equipment processing system is equipped with fully automatic electrical control system. It runs safely and reliably. Usually, it does not need special person management. It only needs timely maintenance and maintenance of equipment. Two. The excellent characteristics of the buried domestic *age treatment device: 1. It can handle the comprehensive wastewater of the living system and its similar organic *age. 2. It is made of steel anticorrosion or FRP, which has excellent properties such as corrosion resistance, aging resistance and so on. 3. The complete set of equipment is simple and easy to operate. All the machinery and equipment are controlled automatically. All the devices can be set below the surface. Three. The scope of application of the buried domestic *age treatment device: 1. Life, food, industry, hotels, hotels, sanatorium, hospitals; 2, residential district, village, market town; 3, the station, the airport, the harbor wharf, the ship, the freeway; 4, factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots; 5. All kinds of industrial organic wastewater, which are similar to domestic *age.