

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济宁 任城区 唐口街道 唐口工业园
  • 姓名: 范先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定


    环保水处理 电镀废水处理 地埋式 质量**

  • 所属行业:水工业 污水处理设备 污水处理成套设备
  • 发布日期:2019-05-15
  • 阅读量:196
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:定制
  • 产品数量:1500.00 台
  • 包装说明:定制
  • 发货地址:山东济宁任城区唐口街道  
  • 关键词:环保水处理,电镀废水处理,水处理设备

    环保水处理 电镀废水处理 地埋式 质量**详细内容

    4 、施工简单,便于改造、扩容或搬迁。
    Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd., the company is located in Shandong, Jining, Kong Meng's hometown, Zeng Zi's home. The company specializes in the design, construction, installation, commissioning and operation of environmental protection engineering, and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of related environmental protection equipment. Our company's main business scope is: *age treatment station, *age treatment, wastewater treatment station, *age treatment process, *age treatment equipment, industrial *age treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment, environmental protection wastewater treatment equipment and other equipment.
    Electroplating wastewater treatment "-DFS water system, control means combining microfiltration membrane and solid-liquid separation technology by using automation, to replace the traditional electroplating wastewater treatment process of sedimentation and filtration process, which can effectively save space and simplify the process, improve the treatment effect, and can reach the new emission standards.
    1. The electroplating wastewater treatment system is fully automatic.
    The system uses unique programs and control software to configure advanced international components. The reaction conditions are controlled within the minimum fluctuation range near the best value, which greatly reduces the intensity of manual operation and ensures the long-term stable and safe operation of the system.
    2. The water quality of the water is stable to meet the standard
    After pretreatment, the *age enters the DF microfiltration membrane system to separate solid and liquid, remove pollutants and metal ions, and produce clear water at the same time. The effluent can ensure that the effluent meets the standard at any time.
    3, compact layout, small area.
    The DF microfiltration membrane separation system can replace the traditional filter system such as precipitation, sand filter, carbon filter and so on, which can save a lot of space.
    4. The construction is simple, which is convenient for reconstruction, expansion or relocation.
    The construction period of the system is short, and the membrane frame can be reserved according to the implementation of the water volume. The reconstruction and expansion can be removable at any time, simple and convenient, and save investment.
    5. Long service life and simple maintenance.
    The DF membrane substrate corrosion set and special manufacturing technology as a whole, can withstand 10% pH and sodium hypochlorite and chemical cleaning, if you follow the standard operation, the sustainable use of more than 7 years.
    欢迎来到济宁市天通机械设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济宁任城区唐口工业园,老板是尹宜良。 主要经营济宁 天通,是国内成员之一的机械设备加工生产研发厂家,其核心技术以:智能自动化小型压路机、数控钢筋笼滚焊机、公路拌合机机械设备为主。 济宁 天通,始终坚持以“先做人,后做事”为核心价值观,以“儒商文化”为品牌文化,以“做今日品牌,创**企业”为宗旨,以“实用为本、德行天下”为理念,铸造中国机械行业的**品牌。公司依托与国外的分支机构、国内的办事处、及专业的施工队伍,凭借行业内设备研发*团队的强大创。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我司专营小型压路机,灰土拌和机,拖拽式小宝马拌和机,手扶压路机,钢筋笼滚焊机,研发团队成员,均来自国内外大型工程机械企业的研发机构的专业技术人员。经过多年的实践与积累,掌握了多种工程机械产品从设计到生产加工的全套技术。