

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济宁 任城区 唐口街道 唐口工业园
  • 姓名: 范先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定


    吉林 污水处理设施 重工业污水处理 露天式 哪家强

  • 所属行业:水工业 污水处理设备 污水处理成套设备
  • 发布日期:2019-05-15
  • 阅读量:150
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:定制
  • 产品数量:1500.00 台
  • 包装说明:定制
  • 发货地址:山东济宁任城区唐口街道  
  • 关键词:污水处理设施,重工业污水处理,水处理设备

    吉林 污水处理设施 重工业污水处理 露天式 哪家强详细内容

    Company introduction:
    Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is a research and development, production, sales as one of the water treatment equipment. Our company specializes in *age treatment plant, *age treatment process, wastewater treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic *age treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment and other equipment. The company has a number of professional technical teams and strict and effective management system, and is committed to the professional manufacture of environmental water treatment equipment. In the past few years, the company has made great progress, and has been cooperating with the famous professional institutions in China. It has strong non standard design, manufacturing and service ability, the production inspection equipment is perfect, the variety specification is complete, the product quality is stable and reliable.
    Metal surface treatment is a process to beautify the metal surface and further change the mechanical properties and physical and chemical properties of the metal surface, and ultimately make the metal products more beautiful, corrosion resistant and durable. At present, the mainstream surface treatment processes include pickling, phosphating, blackening, electrophoresis, spraying and so on. During the process of metal surface treatment, some wastewater will be generated, and the pollution factors will be different.
    Acid pickling is a cleaning method for removing the oxide and rust on the surface of steel by acid solution, which is mainly used for pretreatment or intermediate treatment of the process. The wastewater mainly comes from the washing wastewater after acid washing. It is acidic and contains high concentration of metal ions. The main pollution factors are metal ions, pH, CODcr, petroleum and SS.
    Phosphating is a process of chemical and electrochemical reaction to form a phosphate chemical conversion film, which provides protection to the matrix metal and is used before the paint. The wastewater mainly comes from the cleaning wastewater of plating parts and a small amount of phosphating liquid. The pollution factors are pH, CODcr, BOD, phosphate and SS.
    Blackening is to make a layer of oxide film on the surface of the metal to cut off the air and achieve the purpose of antirust. Waste water is mainly from the washing wastewater of workpieces. The main components of black liquor are sodium hydroxide and sodium nitrite, so the wastewater is alkaline. The main pollution factors are pH, CODcr, BOD, metal ions and SS.
    Electrophoresis is electrophoretic coating. Under the action of voltage, the charged paint ions move to the cathode, and form an insoluble substance with the alkaline substance produced on the cathode surface, and deposit on the surface of the workpiece. The wastewater mainly comes from the waste water from washing parts and a small amount of waste electrophoretic solution. It has high organic content and poor biodegradability. It is acidic. The main pollution factors are pH, CODcr, metal ions, BOD and SS.
    Spraying is a method of coating the spray on the surface of the coated material by means of a spray gun or a disc atomizer, with the help of pressure or centrifugal force. The coating wastewater is acidic and contains many metal ions and non-metallic ions. Some of them are toxic. The main pollution factors are pH, CODcr, BOD, metal ions and SS.
    The metal surface treatment of wastewater pollutants more, water quality, water fluctuations, engineering, process design for wastewater source shunt, and the high concentration wastewater pretreatment to improve the quality and stability of the follow-up process, thus ensuring the stability of wastewater discharge standard.
    欢迎来到济宁市天通机械设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济宁任城区唐口工业园,老板是尹宜良。 主要经营济宁 天通,是国内成员之一的机械设备加工生产研发厂家,其核心技术以:智能自动化小型压路机、数控钢筋笼滚焊机、公路拌合机机械设备为主。 济宁 天通,始终坚持以“先做人,后做事”为核心价值观,以“儒商文化”为品牌文化,以“做今日品牌,创**企业”为宗旨,以“实用为本、德行天下”为理念,铸造中国机械行业的**品牌。公司依托与国外的分支机构、国内的办事处、及专业的施工队伍,凭借行业内设备研发*团队的强大创。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我司专营小型压路机,灰土拌和机,拖拽式小宝马拌和机,手扶压路机,钢筋笼滚焊机,研发团队成员,均来自国内外大型工程机械企业的研发机构的专业技术人员。经过多年的实践与积累,掌握了多种工程机械产品从设计到生产加工的全套技术。