公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司水处理设备有限公司以“科技、人才”的经营理念和“质量**、诚信为本”的经营理念,服务于社会,回报于社会,做好环境保护工作。公司主要生产污水处理站、工业废水处理设备、水处理设施、水处理设备、环保水处理、废水处理站和各种工业废水处理设备。 一、简介 畜禽粪便废弃物无害化处理设备通过固液分离、高温高压灭菌的方式,将所有细菌全部杀死,然后将其转化成**肥或鱼饲料,其设备的发明,真正意义上解决了无害化处理的方式,她的诞生让我国就畜禽粪便废弃物无害化处理的方式真正与国际接轨。通过近几年的反复试验更改,其处理时的自动化、处理过程 无污染化、处理结果的环保化、无害化,可回收、高利用、均得到了广大用户单位的关注、及**。 二、原理 畜禽粪便废弃物无害化处理(以下简称无害化处理)的结果是把**废弃物通过固液分离去除大部分水分然后高温干燥的方式将粪便废弃物进行有效灭菌、脱水烘干,再通过加菌种反应,生产出合格的复合肥料,达到废弃物完全回收高效利用。 三、工艺流程 1.禽畜粪便废弃物集中收集后,装地下池子里进行密封暂存。 2.采用固液分离机脱水,使水分降至50%以下。 3.干粪暂存到料仓(可一次性储存2立方物料),开启螺旋输送机输送到自动喂料系统,物料在密闭环境里通过螺旋输送机直接匀速把物料输送至转鼓烘干机加料端。加料管道的斜度要大于物料的自然倾角,以便物料顺利流入干燥器内。干燥器圆筒是一个与水平线略成倾斜的旋转圆筒。物料从较高一端加入,载热体由低端进入,与物料成逆流接触,也有载热体和物料一起并流进入筒体的。随着圆筒的转动物料受重力作用运行到较底的一端。湿物料在筒体内向前移动过程中,直接或间接得到了载热体的给热,使湿物料得以干燥,然后在出料端经皮带机或螺旋输送机送出。在筒体内壁上装有抄板,它的作用是把物料抄起来又撒下,使物料与气流的接触表面增大,以提高干燥速率并促进物料前进。载热体为热空气。 4.载热体经干燥器以后,一般需要旋风除尘器将气体内所带物料捕集下来。如需进一步减少尾气含尘量,湿法除尘器后再排放。 >加料端。加料管道的斜度要大于物料的自然倾角,以便物料顺利流入干燥器内。干燥器圆筒是一个与水平线略成倾斜的旋转圆筒。物料从较高一端加入,载热体由低端进入,与物料成逆流接触,也有载热体和物料一起并流进入筒体的。随着圆筒的转动物料受重力作用运行到较底的一端。湿物料在筒体内向前移动过程中,直接或间接得到了载热体的给热,使湿物料得以干燥,然后在出料端经皮带机或螺旋输送机送出。在筒体内壁上装有抄板,它的作用是把物料抄起来又撒下,使物料与气流的接触表面增大,以提高干燥速率并促进物料前进。载热体为热空气。 5.烘干、发酵过程中产生的废气,经过除尘器除尘,再经过喷淋洗涤后用于污水处理部分生物曝气。 载热体经干燥器以后,一般需要旋风除尘器将气体内所带物料捕集下来。如需进一步减少尾气含尘量,湿法除尘器后再排放。 加料端。加料管道的斜度要大于物料的自然倾角,以便物料顺利流入干燥器内。干燥器圆筒是一个与水平线略成倾斜的旋转圆筒。物料从较高一端加入,载热体由低端进入,与物料成逆流接触,也有载热体和物料一起并流进入筒体的。随着圆筒的转动物料受重力作用运行到较底的一端。湿物料在筒体内向前移动过程中,直接或间接得到了载热体的给热,使湿物料得以干燥,然后在出料端经皮带机或螺旋输送机送出。在筒体内壁上装有抄板,它的作用是把物料抄起来又撒下,使物料与气流的接触表面增大,以提高干燥速率并促进物料前进。载热体为热空气。 6. 环保垃圾焚烧炉: 各种可燃垃圾、燃烧物、煤炭,都可以,一次添满,产生大量热能,环保无污染。 7.污水处理部分: 兽禽粪便废弃物固液分离后的废水和降尘除臭喷淋废水暂存到沉淀池,混凝沉淀池由于加药形成絮体通过助凝剂的吸附架桥,吸附和网捕污水中的**物胶体和颗粒沉积在斜管沉淀池底部,通过污泥泵回流到暂存池,同时二沉池内的剩余污泥也定时定量的排入暂存池内。 输送机送出。在筒体内壁上装有抄板,它的作用是把物料抄起来又撒下,使物料与气流的接触表面增大,以提高干燥速率并促进物料前进。载热体为热空气。 8.处理过的污水回用于降尘除臭。剩余部分可以通过MBR反应池处理后达标排放。 四、工艺特点 (1)处理时间短; (2)处理能力大; (3)不产生二次污染 Company profile: Jining Tian Tong water treatment equipment Co., Ltd. water treatment equipment Co., Ltd., with "science and technology, talents" business philosophy and "quality first, integrity based" business philosophy, serve the community, return to the community, do environmental protection work well. The company mainly produces *age treatment station, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment facilities, water treatment equipment, environmental protection water treatment, wastewater treatment station and various industrial wastewater treatment equipment. First, brief introduction Livestock waste treatment equipment, high temperature and high pressure sterilization by solid-liquid separation method, all will kill all bacteria, and then transformed into organic fertilizer or fish feed, the device of the invention, the real sense to solve the harmless treatment way, let her birth in our fecal harmless treatment for animal waste way truly in line with International standards. Through the repeated tests and changes in recent years, the automation and processing process of the treatment is no pollution, the treatment results are environmentally friendly and harmless, and recycling and high utilization have received the attention and praise from the majority of users. Two. Principle Fecal waste harmless treatment of livestock (hereinafter referred to as harmless treatment) is the result of organic waste through solid-liquid separation to remove most of water then high temperature drying way of fecal waste effectively sterilizing, drying, after adding strain response, production of compound fertilizer is qualified, achieve complete recovery of waste utilization. Three. Process flow 1. livestock waste waste is collected and sealed in a subterranean pool for temporary storage. 2. the water is dehydrated by the solid-liquid separator, and the water is reduced to less than 50%. 3., dry dung is temporarily stored in the silo (which can store 2 cubic materials at a time), and the screw conveyor is transported to the automatic feeding system. The material is transported directly to the feeding end of the drum dryer through a screw conveyor directly in a closed environment. The slope of the feeding pipe is greater than the natural inclination of the material so that the material will flow into the dryer. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder that is slightly tilted with the horizontal line. The material is added from the higher end, the heat body enters from the low end, and the material is in reverse contact with the material, and also the heat carrier and the material flow into the barrel. As the rotating material of the cylinder is subjected to gravity, it runs to the lower end. In the process of moving the wet material forward in the cylinder, the heat of the heat carrier is directly or indirectly obtained, so that the wet material can be dried, and then it is sent out by the belt conveyor or the screw conveyor at the outlet. The inner wall of the cylinder is equipped with a copying plate. Its function is to copy and scatter the material, so as to increase the contact surface between the material and the airflow, so as to improve the drying rate and promote the progress of the material. The heat carrier is hot air. After 4. loads of heat body through the dryer, a cyclone is usually needed to capture the material in the gas. If we need to further reduce the dust content of the tail gas, the wet dust collector will be discharged again. > feed end. The slope of the feeding pipe is greater than the natural inclination of the material so that the material will flow into the dryer. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder that is slightly tilted with the horizontal line. The material is added from the higher end, the heat body enters from the low end, and the material is in reverse contact with the material, and also the heat carrier and the material flow into the barrel. As the rotating material of the cylinder is subjected to gravity, it runs to the lower end. In the process of moving the wet material forward in the cylinder, the heat of the heat carrier is directly or indirectly obtained, so that the wet material can be dried, and then it is sent out by the belt conveyor or the screw conveyor at the outlet. The inner wall of the cylinder is equipped with a copying plate. Its function is to copy and scatter the material, so as to increase the contact surface between the material and the airflow, so as to improve the drying rate and promote the progress of the material. The heat carrier is hot air. 5. the waste gas produced in the process of drying and fermentation is dedusting through the dust collector and then used for the biological aeration of the *age treatment. After the heat carrier is drier, a cyclone is usually needed to capture the material in the gas. If we need to further reduce the dust content of the tail gas, the wet dust collector will be discharged again. The feeding end. The slope of the feeding pipe is greater than the natural inclination of the material so that the material will flow into the dryer. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder that is slightly tilted with the horizontal line. The material is added from the higher end, the heat body enters from the low end, and the material is in reverse contact with the material, and also the heat carrier and the material flow into the barrel. As the rotating material of the cylinder is subjected to gravity, it runs to the lower end. In the process of moving the wet material forward in the cylinder, the heat of the heat carrier is directly or indirectly obtained, so that the wet material can be dried, and then it is sent out by the belt conveyor or the screw conveyor at the outlet. The inner wall of the cylinder is equipped with a copying plate. Its function is to copy and scatter the material, so as to increase the contact surface between the material and the airflow, so as to improve the drying rate and promote the progress of the material. The heat carrier is hot air. 6. environmental waste incinerator: All kinds of combustible rubbish, burning objects and coal can all be filled with a lot of heat and no pollution. 7. *age treatment part: Animal poultry faeces wastes after solid-liquid separation of waste water and dust spray deodorant to temporary wastewater sedimentation tank, coagulation sedimentation tank dosing due to the formation of flocs by bridging coagulant, organic colloid and particle deposition and adsorption of netting in the *age sedimentation tank at the bottom of the inclined tube, back to the pond by sludge pump at the same time, two heavy sludge tank is discharged into the pond in quantitative timing. The conveyor is sent out. In the inner wall of the cylinder, there is a copy plate. Its function is to copy and distribute the material.