公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司,公司位于济宁山东,孔孟之乡,曾子故里。本公司专业从事小型水处理站、废水处理工艺、污水处理设备、工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、生活污水处理设备、环境污水处理设备等水处理设备。公司作为*的环保设备制造企业,为国内污水处理项目支持农业、石油、化工、造纸、制药、食品、冶金、电力、煤炭、淀粉、医院设备、污水等领域的工矿企业污水。近年来,国内环保产业一直是后起之秀。公司拥有环保设备设计生产资质,可为用户提供完善的技术咨询、工艺设计、现场布置、设备安装调试。 活性炭过滤器 一.产品功能 1.可有效去除色度和气味; 2.能吸附水中的**物、细菌、胶体微粒、微生物; 3.可吸附氧、氨、溴、碘等非金属物质,银、砷、铋、钴、六价铬、汞、锑、锡等金属离子。 二.适用范围 广泛适用于食品、医药、电子、化工、工业废水等行业。 三.产品特点 1.采用水力模拟长径设计,并采用粒径合理,比表面积大于 1000m2/g的高效活性碳,使其既有上层*过滤又有下层高效吸附等功能,大大提高产水净化程度和碳的使用寿命。 2.对水体中异味、**物、胶体、铁及余氯等性能卓着。 四.技术参数 1.水质参数 ①.进水浊度:<10FTU,出水浊度:<3FTU。 2.工作环境参数 ①.工作温度:5-60℃(特殊温度可定做); ②.工作压力:≤0.6MPa; ③.进水水压:≥0.04MPa; ④.反冲洗进水水压:≥0.15 MPa; ⑤.进出口压差:0.1-0.15MPa。 3.运行参数 ①.工作方式:压力式; ②.运行方式:水流自上而下; ③.过滤速度:15-20m/h; ④.运行周期:20-30h; ⑤.反洗方式:水洗,或气水结合反洗; ⑥.反洗耗水:1-3%; ⑦.反洗强度:4-15L/s?m2 ; ⑧.反洗历时:5-10min。 五.工作原理 活性炭过滤器上部设有进水装置,下部设有排水装置,运行时,水经上部进入,流经活性炭过滤层,从底部流出。利用活性炭的表面有大量的羟基等官能团,可以对各种性质的物质进行化学吸附,除去水体中异味、**物、胶体、铁及余氯等,同时降低水体的浊度、色度,使水质清澈透明,减少对后续系统(反渗透、超滤、离子交换器)的污染。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd., the company is located in Shandong, Jining, Kong Meng's hometown, Zeng Zi's home. Our company specializes in small water treatment station, waste water treatment process, *age treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic *age treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment and other water treatment equipment. As a senior environmental protection equipment manufacturer, the company supports domestic *age treatment projects to support industrial, mining and *age enterprises in agriculture, petroleum, chemical industry, paper-making, pharmaceutical, food, metallurgy, power, coal, starch, hospital equipment, *age and other fields. In recent years, the domestic environmental protection industry has been a rising star. The company has the quality of environmental protection equipment design and production, can provide users with perfect technical consultation, process design, site layout, equipment installation and commissioning. Activated carbon filter 1. Product function 1. can effectively remove chromaticity and smell; 2. can adsorb organic matter, bacteria, colloid particles and microbes in water. 3. can adsorb non metal substances such as oxygen, ammonia, bromine and iodine, such as silver, arsenic, bismuth, cobalt, six valence chromium, mercury, antimony, tin and other metal ions. Two. Scope of application It is widely used in food, medicine, electronics, chemical industry, industrial waste water and other industries. Three. Product characteristics 1., we use hydraulic simulation and long diameter design, and adopt high efficient activated carbon with reasonable particle size and specific surface area larger than 1000m2/g, which has both upper layer special effect filtration and lower layer efficient adsorption function, greatly improving water production and purification degree and carbon service life. 2. it has excellent properties, such as odor, organic matter, colloid, iron and residual chlorine in water. Four. Technical parameters 1. water quality parameters 1. The turbidity of the influent: < 10FTU, the turbidity of the effluent: < < 3FTU. 2. working environment parameters (1). Working temperature: 5-60 C (special temperature can be made); The working pressure is less than 0.6MPa; The water pressure is not less than 0.04MPa; 4. The backwash water inlet pressure: 0.15 MPa; Import and export pressure difference: 0.1-0.15MPa. 3. operating parameters Work style: pressure type; 2. Operation mode: water flow from top to bottom; Filtering speed: 15-20m/h; Operation cycle: 20-30h; Reverse washing: water washing, or gas and water combined with backwashing; The backwash water consumption: 1-3%; The backwash intensity: 4-15L/s - m2; The backwash duration: 5-10min. Five. Working principle Activated carbon filter is arranged on the upper part of the water inlet device, the lower part is provided with a drainage device, when running water into the upper, flows through the active carbon filter layer from the bottom. The surface of the activated carbon has a large number of hydroxyl groups, can be carried out on various chemical adsorption properties of the substance in water to remove odor, organic matter, colloid, iron and chlorine, and reduce the water turbidity, chroma, the water is clear and transparent, reduce the subsequent system (reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration, ion exchanger). Pollution.