公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司位于山东省济宁市。是一家生产水处理设备的制造和研发,于一体的国内销售,其核心产品:污水处理厂,污水处理,污水处理设施,工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、污水处理设备、水处理设备、环保设备。面对激烈的市场竞争,公司坚持“科学和技术在未来的服务原则,以生存质量”的经营理念,不断加强新产品的创新和发展,产品有了更广阔的市场,现产品**全国,并出口到一些国家和地区。 石英砂过滤器 一.产品功能 石英砂过滤是去除水中悬浮物较有效手段之一,是污水深度处理、污水回用和给水处理中重要的单元。其作用是将水中已经絮凝的污染物进一步去除,它通过滤料的截留、沉降和吸附作用,达到净水的目的。 二.适用范围 1.用于要求出水浊度≤5mg/L能符合饮用水质标准的工业用水、生活用水及**给水系统; 2.工业污水中的悬浮物、固体物的去除; 3.可用作离子交换法软化、除盐系统中的预处理设备,对水质要求不高的工业给水的粗过滤设备; 以及用在游泳池循环处理系统、冷却循环水净化系统等。 三.产品特点 1.*特的多滤室结构,可实现在线反冲洗(过滤、排污和反洗同时进行)。 2.可根据系统水压,罐体材质可选择使用碳钢、玻璃钢。 四.技术参数 1.处理效果 ①.进水浊度:<20FTU,出水浊度:<3FTU; ②.截污容量:5-15Kg/m3(滤料)。 2.工作环境参数 ①.工作温度:5-60℃(特殊温度可定做); ②.工作压力:≤0.6MPa; ③.进水水压:≥0.04MPa; ④.反冲洗进水水压:≥0.15 MPa; ⑤.进出口压差:0.01-0.015MPa。 3.运行参数 ①.工作方式:压力式; ②.运行方式:水流自上而下; ③.过滤速度:15-20m/h ; ④.运行周期:2-7天; ⑤.反洗方式:水洗,或气水结合反洗; ⑥.反洗耗水:1-3%; ⑦.反洗强度:4-15L/s?m2; ⑧.反洗历时:5-7min; ⑨.反洗膨胀率:40-50%。 五.工作原理 石英砂过滤器利用石英砂作为过滤介质。该滤料具有强度高,寿命长,处理流量大,出水水质稳定可靠的显着优点,石英砂的功能主要是去除水中悬浮物、胶体、泥沙、铁锈。采用水泵加压,使原水通过过滤介质,去除水中的悬浮物,从而达到过滤的目的。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Jining, Shandong province. It is a domestic product which produces and develops water treatment equipment. Its core products are *age treatment plant, *age treatment, *age treatment facilities, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment, water treatment equipment and environmental protection equipment. In the face of fierce market competition, the company adhere to the "science and technology in the service principle of the future, to quality of survival" business philosophy, constantly strengthen the innovation and development of new products, the products have a broad market, is now the best-selling products, and exported to some countries and regions. Quartz sand filter 1. Product function Quartz sand filtration is one of the most effective means to remove suspended matter in water, and is an important unit in wastewater treatment, wastewater reuse and water treatment. Its function is to further remove the flocculated pollutants in the water. It achieves the purpose of purifying water through the interception, settlement and adsorption of the filter material. Two. Scope of application 1. for living water and industrial water, municipal water supply system can meet the requirements of effluent turbidity than 5mg/L drinking water quality standards; 2. the removal of suspended solids and solids in industrial *age; 3. can be used as the pretreatment equipment in the softening and desalting system of the ion exchange method and the coarse filtration equipment for the industrial water supply with low water quality. And used in the swimming pool recycling system, cooling circulating water purification system, and so on. Three. Product characteristics 1. unique multi filter chamber structure, can realize online backwashing (filtration, *age and backwash simultaneously). 2. according to the water pressure of the system, carbon steel and glass steel can be used in the material of the tank. Four. Technical parameters 1. treatment effect 1. The turbidity of the influent: < 20FTU, the turbidity of the effluent: < < 3FTU; 2. Pollution capacity: 5-15Kg/m3 (filter material). 2. working environment parameters (1). Working temperature: 5-60 C (special temperature can be made); The working pressure is less than 0.6MPa; The water pressure is not less than 0.04MPa; 4. The backwash water inlet pressure: 0.15 MPa; Import and export pressure difference: 0.01-0.015MPa. 3. operating parameters Work style: pressure type; 2. Operation mode: water flow from top to bottom; Filtering speed: 15-20m/h; The operation cycle: 2-7 days; Reverse washing: water washing, or gas and water combined with backwashing; The backwash water consumption: 1-3%; The backwash intensity: 4-15L/s - m2; The backwash duration: 5-7min; 9. Backwash expansion rate: 40-50%. Five. Working principle Quartz sand filter uses quartz sand as a filter medium. The filter material has significant advantages such as high strength, long life, large flow volume and stable and reliable effluent quality. The function of quartz sand is mainly to remove suspended solids, colloids, sediment and rust. The water pump is pressurized to make the raw water pass through the filter medium to remove the suspended matter in the water, so as to achieve the purpose of filtering.