公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的企业。是一家实力雄厚的水处理设备企业。本公司专业从事污水处理站、废水处理工艺、废水处理设备、工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、生活污水处理设备、环境污水处理设备等水处理设备。今后,我们将继续以“保护环境造福人类”为宗旨,坚持以诚实守信为原则,遵循做事的**原则,坚持“飞跃、不断创新、以*的质量、以不变的质量、奉献给客户满意”的方针。我们愿与中外朋友精诚合作,共谋环保事业,打造高标准环保制造设计企业。济宁天通水处理设备有限公司全体员工热忱欢迎尊敬的用户、各界朋友前来参观、洽谈业务! 流域综合治理业务 一、 业务简介 流域综合治理是一项复杂的系统工程,遵循“源头减排、过程阻断、末端治理”全过程防控的治理思路和模式,集成河道清淤、底泥处置、黑臭水体治理、受损生态系统修复与构建等技术体系,为当前流域环境水质恶化、生态系统破坏提供技术、装备、投融资等一体化解决方案。 二、 业务范围 黑臭水体与水环境治理、河道清淤及底泥治理、受损湖、库、河道生态系统修复等。 三、 服务内容 技术咨询,技术验证、工程技术服务与实施,项目管理,装备制造及销售租赁、项目投融资(PPP、BOT、BOO)等。 四、 技术简介 1. 黑臭水体与水环境治理技术 包括组合式人工湿地技术等。 1.1 组合式人工湿地技术 适用领域:对污水水体中的COD、BOD、氨氮、总氮、总磷等主要污染物进行净化 技术路线:以组合式人工湿地为主要技术体系,结合氧化塘工艺、微生物转化、水质深度调节及稳定调节等处理单元优化整合构成。 技术特点: (1)系统水力停留时间延长、改变水流状态; (2)等效取代表流人工湿地和潜流人工湿地; (3)适应多变水成分及处理要求,耐冲击。 2. 受损生态系统修复与构建技术体系 包括底泥疏浚与处置技术、微生态修复技术和水生生态系统构建技术等。 2.1 底泥疏浚与处置技术 适用领域:对生态系统或底泥中的重金属、**污染物等主要污染物进行净化 技术路线:机械清淤+淋洗+稳定化 技术特点: (1)采用机械的方式彻底清除河道淤泥,疏浚后的底泥在岸上进行无害化处理。 (2)疏浚的底泥通过淋洗技术进行减量和资源化,节约处理成本。 (3)根据河流的不同情况选择不同的疏浚方式,针对性强。 2.2 微生态修复技术 适用领域:在水流流速缓慢、水深较深且底泥含量相对较低的区域。 技术路线:介质吸附+微生物转化+植物吸收 技术特点: (1)原位阻隔并去除底泥中氮磷营养物质、重金属、**污染物等各种污染物质; (2)污染物与处理介质的接触时间长,接触面积大,污染物的去除率高; (3)结构装置简单,便于管理和更换,机械投入成本低; (4)充分发挥物理、化学、生物修复技术相结合的协同作用。 2.3 水生生态系统构建技术 适用领域:湖泊退塘还湖区和入湖河口区,湖滨带严重受损和生态系统退化,生态、水质净化和景观功能丧失的区域 技术路线:河湖水的预处理——生态系统构建——生态维持 技术特点: (1)能够实现修复区生物多样性的保育,重建水生植被群落及水生动物群落; (2)净化入湖河流的水质,提升水体自净能力; (3)在净化水质的同时能够美化景观,恢复受损生态系统。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is a collection of R & D, production, sales as one of the enterprises. It is a strong water treatment equipment enterprise. Our company specializes in *age treatment plant, wastewater treatment process, waste water treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic *age treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment and other water treatment equipment. In the future, we will continue to take "protecting the environment for the benefit of mankind" as our tenet. We must adhere to the principle of honesty and trustworthiness and follow the first principle of doing things. We must adhere to the policy of "leap, continuous innovation, first-class quality, constant quality and dedication to customer satisfaction". We are willing to cooperate with Chinese and foreign friends to work together, to conspire the cause of environmental protection, and to create a high standard environmental protection manufacturing design enterprise. Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. all staff warmly welcome the respected users, friends from all walks of life to visit and negotiate business! Integrated watershed management First, business introduction Watershed management is a complicated system engineering, ideas and mode of governance "source reduction, process blocking, harnessing the whole process control, integrated dredging, sediment disposal, governance, smelly water damage repair technology system and construction of ecological system, the basin water environment deterioration, ecological system damage technology, equipment, investment and financing and other integrated solutions. Two. Business scope The treatment of black and smelly water and water environment, river silting and sediment control, damaged lake, reservoir and river ecosystem restoration, etc. Three. Service content Technical consultation, technical verification, engineering technology service and implementation, project management, equipment manufacturing and sales leases, project investment and financing (PPP, BOT, BOO) and so on. Four. Brief introduction of Technology 1. black odor water and water environment control technology Including combined artificial wetland technology and so on. 1.1 combined constructed wetland technology Applicable field: purification of main pollutants, such as COD, BOD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and so on in *age water body Technical route: combined wetland is the main technology system, combined with oxidation pond technology, microbial transformation, water depth adjustment and stable regulation. Technical features: (1) the hydraulic retention time of the system is prolonged and the flow state is changed. (2) the equivalent of the representative flow constructed wetland and subsurface constructed wetland; (3) adapt to the changeable water composition and treatment requirements, and resist impact. 2. technology system for restoration and construction of damaged ecosystem It includes sediment dredging and disposal technology, microecological restoration technology and the construction technology of aquatic ecosystem, etc. 2.1 dredging and disposal technology of sediment Application: purification of major pollutants, such as heavy metals, organic pollutants, and other pollutants in the ecosystem or sediment Technical route: mechanical silting + leaching + stabilization Technical features: (1) the dredging of river channel is completely removed by mechanical method, and the sediment after dredging is harmless on the shore. (2) dredged sediment is reduced and resourceful by leaching technology, so as to save the cost of treatment. (3) different dredging methods are selected according to the different conditions of the river, which is more pertinent. 2.2 microecological restoration technology Applicable areas: in the area of slow flow velocity, deep water depth and relatively low sediment content. Technical route: medium adsorption + microbial transformation + plant absorption Technical features: (1) in situ isolation and removal of various pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, heavy metals and organic pollutants in the sediment. (2) the contact time of the pollutants and the treatment medium is long, the contact area is large and the removal rate of the pollutants is high. (3) the structure is simple, easy to manage and replace, and the cost of mechanical input is low. (4) give full play to the synergy of the combination of physical, chemical and bioremediation. 2.3 construction technology of aquatic ecosystem Areas of application: Lakes retreat pond, Lake area and estuarine area, serious damage of lakeside zone and degradation of ecosystem, area of ecosystem, water purification and loss of landscape function. Technical route: the pretreatment of river and lake water - ecological system construction - ecological maintenance Technical features: (1) the conservation of biodiversity in the restoration area can be realized, and the aquatic vegetation community and aquatic animal community can be rebuilt. (2) purify the water quality of the river into the lake and improve the self purification capacity of the water body. (3) in purifying the water quality, it can beautify the landscape and restore the damaged ecosystem.