

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济宁 任城区 唐口街道 唐口工业园
  • 姓名: 范先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定


    陕西 水处理 印染污水处理 地埋式 价格

  • 所属行业:水工业 污水处理设备 污水处理成套设备
  • 发布日期:2017-12-29
  • 阅读量:115
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:定制
  • 产品数量:1500.00 台
  • 包装说明:定制
  • 发货地址:山东济宁任城区唐口街道  
  • 关键词:水处理,印染污水处理,水处理设备

    陕西 水处理 印染污水处理 地埋式 价格详细内容

          在对国内外印染行业污水处理设备运行经验进行总结的基础上,同时结合本公司的科研成果和工程实践,设计出一种可地埋设置的成套**污水处理装置,其设备采用九十年代后期国内外先进工艺和生产制造技术,生产出以不锈钢、碳钢防腐结构为主要原料的污水处理设备。其目的主要是使印染污水和与之类似的工业**污水经该一体化设备处理后达到国家要求的排放标准。该设备主要用于中小型印染企业或场地紧缺的印染企业的污水处理,经该设备处理的出水水质,达到国家排放标准。全套设备均可埋设于地下,故亦称"地埋式污水一体化处理"。 适用于针织印染污水、毛染整污水、丝绸染整污水、化学纤维染整污水、机织棉及棉混纺织物染整污水等其他各类高浓度印染污水
         基本结构:是由玻璃钢或碳钢防腐处理构件组合而成。设备内配有水下曝气,通过水流推动,形成双功能曝气。处理污水时,污水从装置**部流入曝气区,曝气机水下曝气并推流搅动污水,进入的污水很快与原有的混合液充分混合,较大限度地适应进水水质的变化。曝气机通过水流推动和水下曝气双重功能,使曝气区污水有规律地循环流动,提高污水中的溶解氧含量。由于污水在曝气区不断循环流动,区内各点水质比较均匀,微生物的数量、性质基本相同,因此曝气区各部分的工作情况几乎一致。这就把整个生化反应控制在良好的同一条件下。**物被微生物逐步降解,污水得到净化。净化效率高:COD去除率在85%~90%,出水各项指标达到国家《纺织染整工业污染物排放标准》(GB 4267-92)的排放标准,达标排放。也可根据客户要求进一步配套,作臭氧强氧化深度处理,达到《城市污水再生利用景观环境用水水质标准》(GB/T 18921—2002)标准,再生利用。
    Company introduction:
    Jining water treatment equipment Co. Ltd is a production and processing, wholesale distribution of the limited liability company, wastewater treatment plant, wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment facilities, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, waste water treatment equipment, waste water treatment equipment is Jining day water treatment equipment Co. Ltd. the main products. Our company has the qualification of design and production of environmental protection equipment, which can provide users with perfect technical consultation, process design, field layout, equipment installation and commissioning.
    Introduction of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment
    The printing and dyeing industry is a large water consumption household. The total amount of *age and pollutants is ranked second and fourth of the national industrial sector. It is one of the key polluting industries in China. The printing and dyeing wastewater has been the key and difficult point in the research of *age treatment process with high discharge and high difficulty.  At the same time, with the rapid development of China's economy, the shortage of water resources has become a restrictive factor that restricts the further development of the printing and dyeing industry in China. In order to realize the sustainable development of the printing and dyeing industry, the key to achieve this goal is the reuse of the wastewater.
    While summarizing the domestic and foreign printing and dyeing industry wastewater treatment equipment operation experience, combined with the company's achievements in scientific research and engineering practice, design a complete set of organic *age treatment device can be set by the ground equipment, in late 90s, the domestic and foreign advanced technology and manufacturing technology, production of *age treatment equipment for stainless steel carbon steel anticorrosion structure as main raw material. The main purpose is to make the wastewater and similar industrial organic *age treated by the integrated equipment to meet the national requirements. The equipment is mainly used for *age treatment in small and medium-sized printing and dyeing enterprises or field printing and dyeing enterprises. The effluent quality of the equipment is up to the national emission standard. The whole set of equipment can be buried in the underground, so it is also called "integrated treatment of buried *age". It is suitable for all kinds of printing and dyeing wastewater, wool dyeing and finishing *age, silk dyeing and finishing *age, chemical fiber dyeing and finishing *age, woven cotton and cotton blended textiles, dyeing and finishing *age and other high concentration printing and dyeing wastewater.
    Two. Basic working principle of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment
    The equipment uses the activated sludge process to purify the *age. The principle is that organic pollutants by anaerobic bacteria and aerobic bacteria own life activity consumption in the *age, and the formation of microbial biological flocculation to organic pollutants and suspended colloidal instability in activated sludge flocculation, adsorption, degradation of organic compounds, and ultimately achieve the effect of *age purification
    Three, technology of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment
    Basic structure: it is made up of FRP or carbon steel anticorrosion components. The equipment is equipped with underwater aeration, which is driven by water flow to form a dual function aeration. When *age is treated, the *age flows into the aeration area from the top of the device. The aerator underwater aeration and the pushing flow stir the *age. The incoming *age quickly mixed with the original mixed liquid, so as to adapt to the change of the influent water quality to the maximum.  Through the dual function of water flow and underwater aeration, the aerator can circulate the *age in the aeration area regularly and improve the dissolved oxygen content in the *age. Because of the continuous circulation of *age in the aeration area, the water quality of each area is relatively uniform, and the number and nature of microorganisms are basically the same. Therefore, the work of each part of the aeration area is almost the same. This is to control the whole biochemical reaction under the same condition. Organic matter is degraded gradually by microorganism, and the *age is purified. The purification efficiency is high: the removal rate of COD is 85% to 90%, and all the indexes of the effluent meet the emission standard of the national "textile and dyeing and finishing industry pollutant discharge standard" (GB 4267-92), reaching the standard discharge. It can also be further matched according to customer requirements, for advanced treatment of ozone and strong oxidation, so as to achieve the standard of "urban *age reuse and landscape environmental water quality standard" (GB/T 18921 - 2002).
    Four, technological characteristics of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment
    1, the biological contact oxidation process adopted by the equipment is smaller than the activated sludge tank, and has strong adaptability to water quality, good impact load performance, stable effluent quality and no sludge bulking.
    2, the specific surface area of the packing is large, the microorganism is easy to hang up the membrane, and the membrane is removed. Under the same organic loading condition, the removal rate of organic matter is high, stable and reliable, and no need to add medicament at the same time, so as to save subsequent cost and reduce operation cost.
    3, hydrolytic acidification can effectively reduce the chroma of *age, improve the biodegradability of *age, reduce the subsequent load, and greatly reduce the dosage and save investment for later stage adding decolorizing agents.
    4, the effect of precipitation is ideal, and better water quality can be obtained.
    5, decolorizing treatment, the decolorization rate reached more than 99.4%, and reached the standard of chromaticity emission.
    6. Properly handle the surplus sludge to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the system, the sludge discharge is convenient, and the manual operation is reduced.
    7, the use of unique structural methods to minimize the spread of odor;
    8. The operation and management is simple, and the operation state can be adjusted according to the actual situation, so as to obtain the best operation effect.
    9, the efficiency of purification is high, the removal rate of BOD is 85% ~ 90%, the chromaticity removal rate is above 99%, and the index of effluent reaches the national level two or first grade.
    10, it can handle the wastewater of printing and dyeing industry and its similar industrial organic *age.
    Six. Advantages of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment
    1, treatment equipment through carbon steel corrosion treatment or the use of stainless steel components, site splicing combination, light weight, easy to transport, easy to install;
    2. Anticorrosion structure of FRP, carbon steel and stainless steel with corrosion resistance
    欢迎来到济宁市天通机械设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济宁任城区唐口工业园,老板是尹宜良。 主要经营济宁 天通,是国内成员之一的机械设备加工生产研发厂家,其核心技术以:智能自动化小型压路机、数控钢筋笼滚焊机、公路拌合机机械设备为主。 济宁 天通,始终坚持以“先做人,后做事”为核心价值观,以“儒商文化”为品牌文化,以“做今日品牌,创**企业”为宗旨,以“实用为本、德行天下”为理念,铸造中国机械行业的**品牌。公司依托与国外的分支机构、国内的办事处、及专业的施工队伍,凭借行业内设备研发*团队的强大创。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我司专营小型压路机,灰土拌和机,拖拽式小宝马拌和机,手扶压路机,钢筋笼滚焊机,研发团队成员,均来自国内外大型工程机械企业的研发机构的专业技术人员。经过多年的实践与积累,掌握了多种工程机械产品从设计到生产加工的全套技术。