公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司业务范围涵盖废水处理、环保设备制作与销售。主要经营:纺织印染废水处理、化工废水处理、制药废水处理、食品加工废水处理、造纸废水处理、养殖废水处理等设备。目前济宁天通的污水处理设备在饮用水、市政污水、医院污水、生活污水、机场污水、高速公路污水、景区污水、食品厂、工业循环冷却水、中水回用等不同领域得到广泛应用。 含油废水处理设备 一、概述 含油废水处理设备是在我公司原生产的废水处理要的基础上研制开发的新一代废水处理机。投入使用后经**测试和*鉴定评审,一致认为该产品的各项技术指标均达到国内同类产品先进水平。 该系列产品应用了先进的射流加药凝聚法,高速射流制造溶水气水的气浮分离法等较新技术,与其它同类产品相比具有以下优点: 1、化学药剂采用可控定比自动跟踪投加,克服了凭经验投加药剂的缺点,省去了用计量泵加药的老办法,从而保证了絮凝、破乳、中和的较佳效果; 2、 利用高速射流技术使大气与水直接混合而生成溶气水的较新技术,使生成的溶气水质量稳定,大大提高了气浮分离的效果。同时取消了空压机,降低了水处理成本,也避免了空压机的噪音污染。 3、配套使用了我公司生产的SF高效防堵释放器,延长了气浮时间,提高了浄化效果,减轻了后续工艺的负担。同时也根除了因释放器堵塞而 造成的设备停机; 4、射流法制造溶气水技术的应用,取消了溶气塔,改为管道溶气系统,使操作更为简单、安全、可靠。 5、处理工艺完善,具有一机多用特点,用户可根据回用水质标准的要求,对各道工序进行选择、取舍和组合。 6、该设备设计合理、结构紧凑、占地面积小、耗能低、处理效果稳定,是理想经济的工业污水处理设备。 二、适用范围 GFC系列产品适用于以下行业的废水处理: 1、 机械加工和压延工业的乳化含油废水。 2、 铁路机车、车辆和油罐车的清洗含油废水。 3、 石油化工行业的炼油废水和油脂悬浮物混合废水。 4、 船舶上的压舱废水。 5、 电镀行业的电镀废水。 6、 动力部门的压缩机排出的废水。 7、 制革行业的鞣制废水。 8、 喷涂行业的漆雾废水。 9、 汽车、拖拉机、动力机械行业的综合废水。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. covers the business scope of wastewater treatment, environmental protection equipment production and sales. Mainly engaged in: textile printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, chemical wastewater treatment, pharmaceutical wastewater treatment, food processing wastewater treatment, papermaking wastewater treatment, aquaculture wastewater treatment and other equipment. At present, Jining Tian Tong's *age treatment equipment has been widely applied in drinking water, municipal *age, hospital *age, domestic *age, airport *age, highway *age, scenic spot *age, food factory, industrial circulating cooling water, reclaimed water reuse and other fields. Oil wastewater treatment equipment First, an overview Oil wastewater treatment equipment is a new generation wastewater treatment machine developed on the basis of wastewater treatment in our company. After being put into use, it has been tested by environmental protection department and expert appraisal, and it is agreed that all the technical indexes of the product have reached the advanced level of domestic similar products. This series of products has been applied to the latest technology, such as advanced jet mixing method, high-speed jet technology, air floatation separation method and so on, which has the following advantages compared with other similar products. 1, chemicals can be controlled by automatic tracking and dosing. It overcomes the shortcomings of empiric dosing agents, and saves the old way of dosing with metering pumps, so as to ensure the best effect of flocculation, demulsification and neutralization. 2, using high-speed jet technology to directly mix air and water and create the latest technology of dissolved gas and water, making the quality of dissolved gas water stable, greatly improving the effect of air flotation separation. At the same time, the air compressor is cancelled, the cost of water treatment is reduced, and the noise pollution of the air compressor is avoided. 3, supporting the use of my company production of SF, anti blocking release, prolonged air time, improve the purification effect, reduce the burden on the follow-up process. At the same time, the equipment shutdown caused by the blockage of the releaser is also eliminated. 4. The application of the technology of dissolving gas water by the jet method, the dissolved gas tower is cancelled and the pipe dissolving system is changed to make the operation more simple, safe and reliable. 5. The processing technology is perfect. It has the characteristics of one machine and multi use. The user can choose, choose and combine each process according to the requirements of the water quality standard. 6. The equipment is reasonable in design, compact in structure, small in area, low in energy consumption and stable in treatment effect. It is an ideal and economical industrial *age treatment equipment. Two. Scope of application GFC series of products are suitable for the wastewater treatment in the following industries: 1, the emulsified oil containing wastewater in the mechanical and calendering industries. 2, the cleaning of oily waste water from railway locomotives, vehicles and oil tanks. 3. The refinery wastewater and oil suspension mixed wastewater in the petrochemical industry. 4. The ballast wastewater on the ship. 5. Electroplating wastewater in electroplating industry. 6. The waste water from the compressor of the power department. 7, tanning waste water in tannery industry. 8, spray painting industry paint spray wastewater. 9, the comprehensive wastewater of automobile, tractor and power machinery industry.