工业废水处理: 工业废水是指工业生产活动中产生的工艺废水、废液和生活污水等,其中含有随水流失的工业生产用料、中间产物、副产品以及生产过程中产生的污染物。以下为十种常见工业废水的来源及其处理方法: 重金属废水 重金属废水是主要来自矿山、冶炼、电解、电镀、农药、医药、油漆、颜料等企业排出的废水。 对重金属废水的处理方法,通常可分为两类: a)使废水中呈溶解状态的重金属转变成不溶的金属化合物或元素,经沉淀和上浮从废水中去除,可用中和沉淀法、硫化物沉淀法、上浮分离法、电解沉淀法、隔膜电解法等; b)将废水中的重金属在不改变其化学形态的条件下进行浓缩和分离,可用反渗透法、电渗析法、蒸发法和离子交换法等。 含氰废水 含氰废水主要来自电镀、煤气、焦化、冶金、金属加工、化纤、塑料、农药、化工等部门,是一种毒性较大的工业废水。 含氰废水的处理方法有碱性氯化法、电解法、加压水解法、生物化学法、生物铁法、臭氧处理法、空气吹脱法等。 含酚废水 含酚废水主要来自石油裂解制乙烯、合成苯酚、聚酰胺纤维、合成染料、**农药和酚醛树脂等生产过程。对于不同浓度的含酚废水: a)高浓度含酚废水(质量浓度**1000mg/L):须回收酚后再进行处理; b)低浓度含酚废水(质量浓度低于1000mg/L):可将酚浓缩回收后循环使用。 回收酚的方法有溶剂萃取法、蒸汽吹脱法、吸附法、封闭循环法等。 造纸工业废水 造纸废水主要来自造纸工业生产中的制浆和抄纸两个生产过程,这两项工艺都排出大量废水。造纸废水成分复杂,可生化性差,属于较难处理的工业废水。 造纸工业废水通常应用浮选法回收白水中纤维性固体物质,应用燃烧法回收黑水中的钠盐,应用中和法调节废水pH值,应用混凝沉淀去除废水中悬浮固体,应用化学沉淀法可脱色,好氧活性污泥处理法、真菌处理法一般也可得到较好效果。此外,还有采用反渗透、**过滤、电渗析等处理方法也有所应用。 印染工业废水 印染废水含有染料、浆料、助剂、油剂、酸碱、纤维杂质、砂类物质、无机盐等,具有水量大、**污染物含量高、碱性大、水质变化大等特点。 印染废水的无害化处理可分为: a)物理处理法:沉淀法、吸附法等。 b)化学处理法:中和法、混凝法和氧化法等。 c)生物处理法:活性污泥、生物转盘、生物转筒和生物接触氧化法等。 化学工业废水 化学工业废水主要是来自石油化学工业、煤炭化学工业、酸碱工业、化肥工业、塑料工业、制药工业、染料工业、橡胶工业等排出的生产废水。 化学工业废水一般分为三个级别处理: a)一级处理:主要分离水中的悬浮固体物、胶体物、浮油或重油等,可采用自然沉淀、上浮等方法; b)二级处理:主要是去除可用生物降解的**溶解物和部分胶体物,通常采用生物法处理; c)三级处理:主要是去除废水中难以生物降解的**污染物和溶解性无机污染物,常用方法有活性炭吸附法和臭氧氧化法等。 Industrial wastewater treatment: Industrial wastewater refers to process waste water, waste liquid and domestic *age produced in industrial production. It contains industrial production materials, intermediate products, by-products and pollutants produced during the production process. The following are the sources of ten common industrial waste water and their treatment methods: Heavy metal wastewater Heavy metal wastewater is mainly from the mine, smelting, electrolysis, electroplating, pesticide, medicine, paint, pigment and other enterprises. The treatment of heavy metal wastewater can be divided into two types: A) convert the heavy metals dissolved in the waste water into insoluble metal compounds or elements, which can be removed from wastewater by precipitation and floatation. Neutralization precipitation, sulfide precipitation, flotation separation, electrolytic precipitation and diaphragm electrolysis can be used. B) heavy metals in wastewater can be concentrated and separated without changing their chemical form. Reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, evaporation and ion exchange can be used. Cyanide containing wastewater Cyanide containing wastewater is mainly from electroplating, gas, coking, metallurgy, metal processing, chemical fiber, plastics, pesticide, chemical industry and other sectors, and it is a highly toxic industrial wastewater. Treatment of cyanide containing wastewater with alkaline chlorination, electrolysis, pressurized hydrolysis, bio chemical method, biological iron, ozone treatment method, air stripping method etc.. Phenol wastewater Phenol wastewater mainly comes from the production process of ethylene, synthetic phenol, polyamide fiber, synthetic dye, organic pesticide and phenolic resin. For different concentrations of phenolic wastewater: A) high concentration phenol wastewater (mass concentration is higher than 1000mg/L): the phenol must be recovered and then treated. B) low concentration phenolic wastewater (mass concentration is less than 1000mg/L): the phenol concentration can be recycled and recycled. The methods of recovering phenol are solvent extraction, steam stripping, adsorption and closed cycle. Wastewater from papermaking industry Paper making wastewater mainly comes from two production processes of pulping and papermaking in the production of paper industry. These two processes all discharge a large amount of waste water. Papermaking wastewater has complex composition and poor biodegradability, which is a difficult industrial wastewater. Papermaking wastewater recycling usually white water fibrous solid material application of flotation method, combustion method used in recovery of Blackwater sodium, adjusting the pH value of waste water and application method, application of coagulation removal of suspended solids in the wastewater, can decolorization by chemical precipitation method, aerobic activated sludge treatment method, fungus treatment can get better effect in general. In addition, the use of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, electrodialysis and other processing methods have also been applied. Printing and dyeing industrial wastewater Printing and dyeing wastewater contains dyes, slurry, auxiliaries, oil additives, acid and alkali, fiber impurities, sand and inorganic salts. It has the characteristics of large volume of water, high content of organic pollutants, large alkalinity and large water quality. The harmless treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater can be divided into: A) physical treatment: precipitation method, adsorption method and so on. B) chemical treatment: neutralization, coagulation and oxidation. C) biological treatment: activated sludge, biologic turntable, biological rotary tube and biological contact oxidation process. Chemical industrial wastewater Chemical industry wastewater mainly comes from the petrochemical industry, coal chemical industry, acid-base industry, fertilizer industry, plastics industry, pharmaceutical industry, dyestuff industry and rubber industry. Chemical industrial wastewater is generally divided into three levels: A) primary treatment: the main separation of suspended solids, colloids, oil or heavy oil, such as natural precipitation, floating and other methods; B) two stage treatment: mainly to remove biodegradable organic dissolves and some colloids, usually treated by biological method; C) three stage treatment: mainly remove organic pollutants and dissolved inorganic pollutants which are difficult to biodegraded in wastewater, and commonly used methods are activated carbon adsorption and ozone oxidation.