公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的企业。是一家实力雄厚的水处理设备企业。本公司专业从事污水处理站、废水处理工艺、废水处理设备、工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、生活污水处理设备、环境污水处理设备等水处理设备。今后,我们将继续以“保护环境造福人类”为宗旨,坚持以诚实守信为原则,遵循做事的**原则,坚持“飞跃、不断创新、以*的质量、以不变的质量、奉献给客户满意”的方针。我们愿与中外朋友精诚合作,共谋环保事业,打造高标准环保制造设计企业。济宁天通水处理设备有限公司全体员工热忱欢迎尊敬的用户、各界朋友前来参观、洽谈业务!印染污水处理设备主要针对印染污水高色度难以脱色,高COD难以降低设计研发,可有效解决以往印染废水处理过程中的技术难点是印染废水经处理后可达标排放。 印染污水 印染污水的水质随采用的纤维种类和加工工艺的不同而异,污染物组分差异很大。印染污水一般具有污染物浓度高、种类多、含有毒有害成分及色度高等特点。一般印染污水pH值为6~10,CODCr为400~1000mg/L,BOD5为100~400mg/L,SS为100~200mg/L,色度为100~400倍。 但当印染工艺、采用的纤维种类和加工工艺变化后,污水水质将有较大变化。近年来由于化学纤维织物的发展,仿真丝的兴起和印染后整理技术的进步,使PVA浆料、人造丝碱解物(主要是邻苯二甲酸类物质)、新型助剂等难生化降解**物大量进入印染污水,其CODCr浓度也由原来的数百mg/L上升到2000~3000mg/L以上,BOD5增大到800mg/L以上,pH值达11.5~12,从而使原有的生物处理系统CODCr去除率从70%下降到50%左右,甚至更低。 印染污水来源 退浆污水 水量较小,但污染物浓度高,其中含有各种浆料、浆料分解物、纤维屑、淀粉碱和各种助剂。污水呈碱性,pH值为12左右。上浆以淀粉为主的(如棉布)退浆污水,其COD、BOD值都很高,可生化性较好:上浆以聚乙烯醇(PVA)为主的(如涤棉经纱)退浆污水,COD高而BOD低,污水可生化性较差。 煮炼污水 水量大,污染物浓度高,其中含有纤维素、果酸、蜡质、油脂、碱、表面活性剂、含氮化合物等,污水呈强碱性,水温高,呈褐色。 漂白污水 水量大,但污染较轻,其中含有残余的漂白剂、少量醋酸、草酸、硫代硫酸钠等。 丝光污水 含碱量高,NaOH含量在3%~5%,多数印染厂通过蒸发浓缩回收NaOH,所以丝光污水一般很少排出,经过工多次重复使用较终排出的污水仍呈强碱性,BOD、COD、SS均较高。 染色污水 水量较大,水质随所用染料的不同而不同,其中含浆料、染料、助剂、表面活性剂等,一般呈强碱性,色度很高,COD较BOD高得多,可生化性较差。 印花污水 水量较大,除印花过程的污水外,还包括印花后的皂洗、水洗污水,污染物浓度较高,其中含有浆料、染料、助剂等,BOD、COD均较高。 整理污水 水量较小,其中含有纤维屑、树脂、油剂、浆料等。 碱减量污水 是涤纶仿真丝碱减量工序产生的,主要含涤纶水解物对苯二甲酸、乙二醇等,其中对苯二甲酸含量高达75%。碱减量污水不仅pH值高(一般>12),而且**物浓度高,碱减量工序排放的污水中CODCr可高达9万mg/L,高分子**物及部分染料很难被生物降解,此种污水属高浓度难降解**污水。 印染污水处理设备原理 印染污水处理设备利用厌氧菌、好氧菌自身的生命活动消耗污水中的**污染物,同时微生物形成的生物絮凝体使悬浮状和胶体状的**污染物失稳絮凝,吸附在活性污泥表面,降解**物,较终达到净化污水的效果。 设备内配有水下曝气,通过水流推动,形成双功能曝气。处理污水时,污水从装置**部流入曝气区,曝气机水下曝气并推流搅动污水,进入的污水很快与原有的混合液充分混合,较大限度地适应进水水质的变化。曝气机通过水流推动和水下曝气双重功能,使曝气区污水有规律地循环流动,提高污水中的溶解氧含量。由于污水在曝气区不断循环流动,区内各点水质比较均匀,微生物的数量、性质基本相同,因此曝气区各部分的工作情况几乎一致。这就把整个生化反应控制在良好的同一条件下。**物被微生物逐步降解,污水得到净化。净化效率高出水各项指标达到国家《纺织染整工业污染物排放标准》(GB 4267-92)的排放标准。也可根据客户要求进一步配套,作臭氧强氧化深度处理,达到《城市污水再生利用景观环境用水水质标准》(GB/T 18921—2002)标准,再生利用。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is a collection of R & D, production, sales as one of the enterprises. It is a strong water treatment equipment enterprise. Our company specializes in *age treatment plant, wastewater treatment process, waste water treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic *age treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment and other water treatment equipment. In the future, we will continue to take "protecting the environment for the benefit of mankind" as our tenet. We must adhere to the principle of honesty and trustworthiness and follow the first principle of doing things. We must adhere to the policy of "leap, continuous innovation, first-class quality, constant quality and dedication to customer satisfaction". We are willing to cooperate with Chinese and foreign friends to work together, to conspire the cause of environmental protection, and to create a high standard environmental protection manufacturing design enterprise. Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. all staff warmly welcome the respected users, friends from all walks of life to visit and negotiate business! Printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment is mainly for printing and dyeing wastewater with high chromaticity and difficult to decolorization. High COD is difficult to reduce design and research and development. It can effectively solve the technical difficulties in the past printing and dyeing wastewater treatment process. Printing and dyeing wastewater can be discharged after treatment. Printing and dyeing wastewater The water quality of printing and dyeing wastewater varies with the different kinds of fiber and processing technology, and the difference in pollutant composition is very large. The wastewater of printing and dyeing generally has the characteristics of high concentration of pollutants, many kinds, toxic and harmful components and high chromaticity. The pH value of general printing and dyeing wastewater is 6~10, CODCr is 400~1000mg/L, BOD5 is 100~400mg/L, SS is 100~200mg/L, and the chromaticity is 100~400 times. But when the printing and dyeing process, the kinds of fiber used and the processing technology change, the *age water quality will be changed greatly. In recent years due to the development of chemical fiber fabrics, silk printing and dyeing rise and finishing technology, PVA pulp, rayon alkali hydrolysate (mainly two phthalate acid substances), new additives and other refractory organic compounds in printing and dyeing wastewater, the concentration of CODCr is composed of hundreds of original mg/L up to more than 2000~3000mg/L, BOD5 increased to more than 800mg/L, the pH value of 11.5~12, so that the original biological treatment system, the removal rate of CODCr decreased from 70% to about 50%, or even lower. *age source of printing and dyeing Desizing *age The amount of water is small, but the concentration of pollutants is high, which contains all kinds of slurry, slurry decomposition, fiber, starch alkali and all kinds of additives. The *age is alkaline and the pH value is about 12. The starch and cotton pulp desizing wastewater with high starch and starch has high COD and BOD value and good biodegradability. The pulp is mainly polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), such as polyester cotton warp, desizing *age, COD is high and BOD is low, and the biodegradability of *age is poor. Boiled *age The water is large and the pollutant concentration is high. It contains cellulose, fruit acid, wax, oil, alkali, surfactant and nitrogenous compounds. The *age is strongly alkaline, and the water temperature is high and brown. Bleaching *age Large amount of water, but light pollution, which contains residual bleach, a small amount of acetic acid, oxalic acid, sodium thiosulfate, and so on. Mercerized *age The alkali content is high, the content of NaOH in 3%~5%, the majority of printing and dyeing factory concentrated by evaporation recovery NaOH, so rarely *age discharged after mercerizing, workers repeatedly used the final discharge of *age is still strongly alkaline, BOD, COD and SS were higher. Dyed *age The water quality is quite large, and the water quality is different from that of the dyestuffs. The pulp, dyes, auxiliaries and surfactants are generally strong alkaline. The color is very high. COD is much higher than BOD, and its biodegradability is poor. Printed *age The amount of water is large. Besides the printing process *age, it also includes soap washing and water washing after printing. The concentration of pollutants is high, which contains slurry, dyestuff and auxiliaries. BOD and COD are all high. *erage Small amount of water, including fiber, resin, oil, slurry and so on. Alkali reduced *age It is produced in the process of Dacron simulated silk alkali reduction, mainly containing terylene hydrolysate terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, among which the content of terephthalic acid is up to 75%. Alkali decrement *age not only has high pH value (generally >12), but also has high organic matter concentration, and CODCr in the effluent discharged by alkali reduction process can reach up to 90 thousand mg/L. Polymer organic matter and some dyes are difficult to be biodegraded. The wastewater is highly concentrated and difficult to degrade organic *age. Principle of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment equipment The *age treatment device of organic pollutants by anaerobic bacterium and aerobic bacteria activities of their own lives and consumption of *age in the printing and dyeing, microbial formation of biological floc to organic pollutants and suspended colloidal instability in activated sludge flocculation, adsorption, degradation of organic compounds, and ultimately achieve the effect of *age purification. The equipment is equipped with underwater aeration, which is driven by water flow to form a dual function aeration. When *age is treated, the *age flows into the aeration area from the top of the device. The aerator underwater aeration and the pushing flow stir the *age. The incoming *age quickly mixed with the original mixed liquid, so as to adapt to the change of the influent water quality to the maximum. Through the dual function of water flow and underwater aeration, the aerator can circulate the *age in the aeration area regularly and improve the dissolved oxygen content in the *age. Because of the continuous circulation of *age in the aeration area, the water quality of each area is relatively uniform, and the number and nature of microorganisms are basically the same. Therefore, the work of each part of the aeration area is almost the same. This is to control the whole biochemical reaction under the same condition. Organic matter is degraded gradually by microorganism, and the *age is purified. The effluent of high purification efficiency reached the national emission standard of the pollutant discharge standard of textile dyeing and finishing industry (GB 4267-92). It can also be further matched according to the requirements of the customer for the deep treatment of ozone oxidation to achieve "urban *age regeneration".