

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济宁 任城区 唐口街道 唐口工业园
  • 姓名: 范先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定


    上海 废水处理设备 造纸污水处理 地埋式 价格

  • 所属行业:水工业 污水处理设备 污水处理成套设备
  • 发布日期:2017-12-29
  • 阅读量:250
  • 价格:100.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:定制
  • 产品数量:1500.00 台
  • 包装说明:定制
  • 发货地址:山东济宁任城区唐口街道  
  • 关键词:废水处理设备,造纸污水处理,水处理设施

    上海 废水处理设备 造纸污水处理 地埋式 价格详细内容

    Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in the production and sales of *age treatment, environmental protection equipment. Mainly engaged in: textile printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, chemical wastewater treatment, pharmaceutical wastewater treatment, food processing wastewater treatment, papermaking wastewater treatment, aquaculture wastewater treatment and other equipment. At present, Jining Tiantong *age treatment equipment has been widely applied in drinking water, municipal *age, hospital *age, domestic *age, airport *age, Road *age, scenic area *age, food factory, industrial circulating cooling water, reclaimed water and other fields.
    Papermaking *age treatment equipment
    1. Process of wastewater treatment equipment for paper making
    (1): the role of regulating tank regulating pool is homogeneous and mean, generally also can consider both precipitation, mixing, dosing, neutralization and pre acidification function, regulation of water quantity and water quality, adjust the pH value of *age, water temperature, pre aeration, agitation, aeration of water tank, prevent suspended impurities precipitation, can also be used for drainage accident.
    (2): contact oxidation pond effluent after adjusting tank gravity to contact tank for biochemical treatment, contact oxidation time up to 6 hours, the filler is semi soft packing (i.e. rigid plastic stent, which tied with soft fiber), it can prevent biofilm growth after fibers form a spherical surface after reducing filler area, easy conjunctiva, no blockage.
    (3) sedimentation tank: after biochemical *age flow to the sedimentation tank, the sedimentation tank is a slanted plate sedimentation tank. The inclined plate sedimentation tank utilizes the principle of opposite direction flow, which has the advantages of fast separation of mud water, stable flow and good separation effect. Compared with other sedimentation tanks such as advection, the sludge water separation speed and surface hydraulic load are twice as high as that of the horizontal sedimentation tank, and the sludge discharge is raised to the sludge pool by air.
    (4) disinfection pool and sterilizing device: disinfection pool is sterilized with mature ozone, and the contact time of disinfection pool is more than 12min.
    (5) sludge pool: the sludge of the sedimentation tank is pumped into the sludge pool by the sludge pump. The liquid reflux sludge tank to contact oxidation pool for processing. The surplus sludge is very few, usually cleaned up in 1-2 years. Cleaning method can be used to check the tumbril hole into the sludge from the sludge tank bottom suction sinotrans.
    Two. Advantages of papermaking *age treatment equipment
    1. Set treatment BOD5, COD, NH3-N, fecal Escherichia coli, PH in one body
    2. The whole set of equipment can be buried underground and does not occupy the surface area.
    3, the low noise, low odor, little impact on the surrounding environment
    4, the degree of purification is high, and the amount of sludge produced in the whole system is less.
    5, the degree of automation is high, the management is convenient, and no special management is needed.
    6. The technology is stable and the maintenance is convenient
    7. Low energy consumption and saving operation cost
    欢迎来到济宁市天通机械设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济宁任城区唐口工业园,老板是尹宜良。 主要经营济宁 天通,是国内成员之一的机械设备加工生产研发厂家,其核心技术以:智能自动化小型压路机、数控钢筋笼滚焊机、公路拌合机机械设备为主。 济宁 天通,始终坚持以“先做人,后做事”为核心价值观,以“儒商文化”为品牌文化,以“做今日品牌,创**企业”为宗旨,以“实用为本、德行天下”为理念,铸造中国机械行业的**品牌。公司依托与国外的分支机构、国内的办事处、及专业的施工队伍,凭借行业内设备研发*团队的强大创。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我司专营小型压路机,灰土拌和机,拖拽式小宝马拌和机,手扶压路机,钢筋笼滚焊机,研发团队成员,均来自国内外大型工程机械企业的研发机构的专业技术人员。经过多年的实践与积累,掌握了多种工程机械产品从设计到生产加工的全套技术。