公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司位于济宁山东市,是淮海经济区八大城市之一。我们是集设计、生产、维护和销售为一体的厂家。自成立以来,凭借先进的技术和专业水平的水处理设备,公司在行业内迅速崛起。根据科技的发展,不断为用户提供高质量的产品是我们公司永恒的理念。主要产品有污水处理站、废水处理工艺、废水处理设备、工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、生活污水处理设备、环境污水处理设备等。 生活污水处理设备 生活污水是指人类在日常生活中产生的废水,包括厕所粪尿、洗衣洗澡水、厨房等家庭排水以及商业、医院和游乐场所的排水等。主要是粪便和洗涤污水,含有大量**物,也常含有病原菌和无机盐类;总的特点是含氮、含硫和含磷高,在厌氧细菌作用下,易生恶臭物质。国内外一般都采用生化方法处理生活污水,因为生活污水的BOD5/CODcr≈0.5,可生化性强。 产品介绍: 天通牌SYD系列生活污水处理设备是利用生物挂膜进行污水处理及回用的污水设备,其具有膜生物反应器所有优点:出水水质好,运行成本低、系统抗冲击性强、污泥量少,设备运行实现全自动化管理,*专人值守。出水设计标准达到国家排放水较高标准:一级排放标准。 适宜范围: 1、宾馆、饭店、疗养院、医院等生活污水; 2、住宅小区、村庄、集镇等城镇生活污水; 3、车站、飞机场、海港码头、船舶等服务区生活污水; 4、工厂、矿山、*、旅游点、风景区等厂区、农家乐生活污水; 5、与生活污水类似的各种工业**污水。 设备特点: 1、采用优质Q235A碳钢板或玻璃钢焊接组成,重量轻巧,易于运输; 2、方便安装,内外环氧树脂漆耐腐蚀,使用寿命长; 3、设备自动化程度高,能耗低,管理费用小; 4、可根据客户实际情况进行整体安装或者现场拼接组合。 5、净化效率高,BOD去除效率在80%~90%,出水各项指标达到国家《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的二级或一级(B)标准,可达标排放。 出水标准: 1、《综合污水排放标准GB8978-1996》 2、《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准GB18918-2002》 3、《城市污水再生利用城市杂用水水质GB/T 18920—2002》 4、地方标准。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Shandong City, Jining, is one of the eight major cities in Huaihai economic zone. We are a collection of design, production, maintenance and sales as one of the manufacturers. Since its establishment, with advanced technology and professional level of water treatment equipment, the company has risen rapidly in the industry. According to the development of science and technology, it is the eternal idea of our company to provide customers with high quality products. The main products are *age treatment station, wastewater treatment process, wastewater treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic *age treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment and so on. Domestic *age treatment equipment *age refers to the wastewater produced in the human daily life, including toilet waste, washing bath water, kitchen and other household drainage and the commercial, hospitals and recreation places etc.. Mainly feces and washing *age, containing a large number of organic matter, and often contain pathogenic bacteria and inorganic salts. The total characteristics are nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus, which are easy to generate odorous substances under the action of anaerobic bacteria. At home and abroad generally use biochemical method to treat *age, because the *age BOD5/CODcr is about 0.5. The biodegradability is strong. Product introduction: The days pass card SYD series *age treatment equipment is the use of biological wastewater treatment and wastewater reuse equipment of biofilm, which has all the advantages of the membrane bioreactor: good water quality, low operation cost, strong impact resistance, less sludge, equipment operation and automatic management, unattended. The standard of water discharge design reaches the highest standard of national discharge water: first grade discharge standard. Appropriate scope: 1, domestic *age of hotels, hotels, sanatorium, hospital and so on; 2, residential areas, villages, towns and other urban *age; 3, domestic *age in service areas such as stations, airports, seaport wharfs and ships; 4, factories, mines, troops, tourist spots, scenic spots and other factories and areas, farmers' living *age; 5. All kinds of industrial organic *age, which are similar to domestic *age. Equipment features: 1. It is composed of high quality Q235A carbon steel plate or fiberglass welding. It is lightweight and easy to transport. 2, easy to install, internal and external epoxy resin paint corrosion resistance, long service life; 3. The automation of the equipment is high, the energy consumption is low, and the cost of management is small. 4, according to the actual situation of the customer to carry out the overall installation or site splicing combination. 5, the purification efficiency is high, the BOD removal efficiency is between 80% and 90%, and all the indexes of the effluent meet the two or the first level (B) standard of the national "*age discharge standard for municipal wastewater treatment plants" (GB 18918 2002), which can meet the standard discharge. Effluent standard: 1. "Integrated *age discharge standard GB8978-1996" 2. "Standard GB18918-2002 for pollutant discharge of urban *age treatment plant" 3. GB/T 18920 - 2002 for urban wastewater reclamation and utilization of urban water 4. Local standards.