公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司位于山东省济宁市。其核心产品有:污水处理站、废水处理工艺、废水处理设备、工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、生活污水处理设备、环境污水处理设备等设备。岁月流逝,一支年轻充满朝气的团队充满了技术、环境工程经验,与多家大型、高要求的公司保持着同样的蓝天,创造了“绿色泽”的宗旨,坚持“客户**,质量**”的服务宗旨,客户满意是我们永恒的追求。在实践中,要不断提高技术水平,完善内部管理,完善组织和售后跟踪服务,力争以较快捷、较方便的方式为顾客提供热枕服务。 皮革废水处理成套设备 皮革废水主要来源于鞣前准备,鞣制和其他湿加工工段。 污染较重的是脱脂废水、浸灰脱毛废水、铬鞣废水.制革废水的特点表现在以下几方面悬浮物浓度高,易腐败,产生污染量大;水质水量波动大;可生化性好;废水含S2-和铬等有毒化合物。皮革废水的处理方法也很多,有生化工艺和物化等方法。国内制革工业皮革污水处理通常采用物化处理离心机分离和生化处理相结合的方法,此法投资省,运行费用低,能够稳定达标排放。 制革业是产生大量污水的行业,制革污水不仅量大,而且是一种成分复杂、高浓度的**废水,由于制革生产中使用了大量的脱脂剂、加脂剂和表面活性剂,生化处理难度也很大。 处理工艺不合理、运行费用太高(处理水越多,企业背的包袱越大)、运行管理麻烦,而不能正常运行,有一定数量的制革厂废水未经处理或只经过简单沉淀后直接排入河流或湖泊,有的甚至渗坑排放。 制革污泥还可进行厌氧发酵处理,进行沼气能源回收,经厌氧发酵后的制革污泥,但是前期要进行一些重金属方面的处理,又是非常好的农用肥料,用在农田中,可以防止土地板结;也可以加入桔杆直接发酵,用作农肥。 皮革制革污泥特点:产泥量大,废水量也很大。**物含量高,由于在皮革处理过程中产生大量的皮毛、血污,所以**物含量非常高。 皮革废水处理是水处理工程中投资和维护费用较高的部分,因此正确选择污泥脱水工艺十分重要,要选择卧式离心机这种处理能力强的设备。 机器的选型可以选不锈钢材料的多种选择如304,316L,321,双相不锈钢等,或依据客户要求订制。所有与物料接触的部件均由优质不锈钢制成,可满足客户的制定要求。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Jining, Shandong province. Its core products are: *age treatment station, wastewater treatment process, wastewater treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic *age treatment equipment, *age treatment equipment and other equipment. The passage of time, a young and vibrant team full of technology, environmental engineering experience, the same blue sky and a number of large, high requirements of the company, to create a "green color" the purpose, adhere to the "customer first, quality first" principle of service, customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit. In practice, we must constantly improve the level of technology, perfect internal management, perfect organization and after-sale tracking services, and strive to provide hot pillow service in the fastest and most convenient way for customers. Complete set of equipment for treating leather waste water Leather wastewater is mainly derived from pre tanning preparation, tanning and other wet processing sections. The most serious pollution is defatted wastewater, liming wastewater and chrome tanning wastewater. The characteristics of tannery wastewater are the following aspects: high suspended solids concentration, easily spoilage, large amount of pollution, large fluctuation of water quality and quantity, good biodegradability, wastewater containing S2- and chromium and other toxic compounds. There are many methods for treating leather waste water, including biochemical technology and physicochemical methods. The tannery industry leather wastewater treatment usually combines physicochemical treatment with centrifuge separation and biochemical treatment. This method has low investment and low operation cost, and can achieve stable discharge. Tanning industry is the industry that produces a lot of *age. Tannery wastewater is not only large, but also a complex and high concentration organic wastewater. Because of a lot of degreasing agents, fatliquoring agents and surfactants in leather making, biochemical treatment is also very difficult. Treatment is not reasonable, the operation cost is too high (with more water companies back more baggage), the operation and management of trouble, and not the normal operation, there is a certain number of tannery wastewater untreated or directly into the simple after precipitation of rivers or lakes, some even pit seepage discharge. Tannery sludge can also be treated by anaerobic fermentation, biogas for energy recovery, the tannery sludge by anaerobic fermentation, but early to deal with some heavy metals, and agricultural fertilizer is very good, used in farmland, can prevent hardening of the soil; can also add straw direct fermentation, used as fertilizer. The characteristics of leather tannery sludge: large amount of mud and large amount of waste water. The content of organic matter is high, due to a large amount of fur, blood in the treatment of leather, so very high content of organic matter. Leather wastewater treatment is a part of investment and maintenance cost in water treatment project. Therefore, it is very important to choose sludge dewatering technology correctly. We must choose horizontal centrifuge as a powerful processing equipment. The selection of the machine can be selected for a variety of stainless steel materials such as 304316L, 321, duplex stainless steel, etc., or customized according to the requirements of the customer. All the parts in contact with the material are made of high quality stainless steel, which can meet the requirements of the customers.